Memorial Day Parade Thank You

Thank you to all the Knights that were at the Memorial Day Parade; especially to Julio Alvia whom was a big help. Father Ken (whom is also a brother Knight) marched with us. The parade and presentation of the wreaths went smoothly. Well done & thank you again for all your support.

Memorial Day Prayer

With Memorial Day approaching, please remember those in the military who have given their lives for our freedom, and those who are actively serving. Please take a moment to say the prayer included, before you embark on your holiday celebration.

Thank You

Thank you to all the Knights that helped out at the Craft Fair this past weekend. I appreciate the effort to help set up, put away and sell raffle tickets. The Craft Fair raised over $15,000 for the church thanks to the many volunteers under the leadership of Ann Hernandez. Well done! Gratefully,Ray KleppanGrand Knight

Knights In Need

If anyone knows of a Knight or parishioner of Good Shepherd who was adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, please contact the new Grand Knight, Ray Kleppan, at The Good Shepherd Council is here to help. We Knights are challenged to take this moment as an opportunity to “deepen our commitment to the very principles which define us: charity, […]

August 2015 Grand Knight Message

My Brother Knights, I would like to invite all brother knights to attend our business meetings on the third Thursday of the month. Your involvement will enable the council to preform greater charity acts and meet with old and new friends. At our business meeting in September we are having the installation of officers. We plan to be a part […]