August Grand Knight’s Message

My Brother Knights, As we begin the new Columbian year, I hope we can strengthen our relationship with our brother knights from this council and other councils, the Good Shepherd parish and our community, by living and sharing our principles Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. I am organizing another social event on Saturday August 25. We have arranged a fishing […]

Holbrook’s 18th Annual Carnival and Craft Festival

Mark your calendars for Holbrook’s 18th Annual Carnival and Craft Festival.  The festival will be held on August 16 through the 19 on the grounds of Seneca Middle School. This year’s theme is ‘Back to the 70’s’, and we’ll be celebrating with a free concert featuring That 70’s Band on Friday night. Good Shepherd will operate a free game booth […]

July Grand Knight’s Message

My Brother Knights, I want to thank the brothers and their family members that participated on June 10th with the parish breakfast, without their service this event would not have been possible. All of the proceeds from the breakfast will be used to purchase needed items /supplies for Good Shepherd Church. I am still seeking brother knights from our council […]