October 2014 Grand Knight’s Message

Once again it is time to install our council officers, and it is also the perfect time to talk about volunteering.  Every organization out there is hurting for volunteers. People just don’t seem to have the time to volunteer anymore. With our council we have a lot of people who are willing to help work an event, but it is […]

Meeting Location Change

Due to the flooding in the church basement we are unable to meet there for our meeting this Thursday 8/21/2014.  The Holbrook Fire Department has been kind enough to allowed us to use their building for our meeting.  Please try to arrive a little bit early for the meeting if you are planning on attending. We are going to try […]

New Officer Materials Section

There is a new page on the Good Shepherd Knight’s of Columbus website called “Officer Materials“, the page will appear when you put your mouse over “Officers” on the top menu.  This page contains different documents that council officers may find useful.